Sudoku Online - Where to find everything you ever wanted to know about Sudoku, but were too afraid to ask!



Sudoku has been described as the biggest puzzle craze since the Rubik's Cube. So surely it was only a matter of time before the two were combined into one super puzzle!

Sudokube is a Rubik's cube with numbers, and to solve it you need to get one of each digit onto each face of the cube. Simple - or not as you will know if you have tried to do a Rubik's cube. I only ever completed one using a cheats book saying out loud 'two turns clockwise bottom, one turn anti clockwise left....' you get the picture.

So if you are looking for double the frustration of a Sudoku puzzle, or want to stump a Sudoku-mad pal this would be just the gift!

Sudokube is available from Prezzybox, or

Sudoku Gift Ideas
Sudoku Books for Christmas
Extreme Sudoku for Dummies

Sudoku 2022 Gift Ideas

Sudoku Gift Ideas
for Christmas 2021

Sudoku Quotes and Tips
I think that is what makes a good puzzler, a willingness to keep nutting something out and resisting the temptation to go to the back of the book for the answers.
Wayne Gould, Father of the current Sudoku craze.